Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Christmas Ideas

Are you looking for a great gift idea for your neighbors? Here are a few ideas.

Thanks to Andrea Urban, Heather Dorius, and Kim Kehrer for these great ideas.

Kim's Ideas:
Bubble gum balls countdown 12 days of Christmas
The parable of the Orange (buy orange slices or oranges)
Nail and poem of the Christmas symbols
"Soda" Delighted you are our neighbor
Bubble Gum tape- You measure up to be a great friend
Gold fish crackers- We "fish" you a merry christmas
Nuts- "there " nutt'in like a Great Neighbor. Merry Christmas
Bubbles or bubble bath- HOpe you holiday "bubbles" with fun
Homemade cookies- Homemade cookies and a happy heart.... Hope your
holiday is delightful from the start.
Kool- Aid Packets- Have a "Kool" Yule
Precious moments calendar count down
IBC Rootbeer Reindeer
Chips and Salsa- We wish you a "mexi Chip-mas" and Happy New Year

Here's link:


Last year we did a fun thing. I had a poem that I delivered to neighbors
that invited them to a bonfire with hot cocoa and donuts. We borrowed a
fire barrel and put it in the driveway and we supplied the cups and hot
cocoa fixings and others brought donuts or cookies. The note also
instructed them to bring a can or two of food for the food bank. It was fun
and our counters (and hips) weren't cluttered with plates and plates of
sugary fattening treats.

Here's the poem:

*Dear Friends and Neighbors*

At Christmas time we like to give
to friends and neighbors dear,
but maybe we could think of those
less fortunate this year.

Instead of giving neighbor gifts
we'll fill the Food Bank's shelves. ...
Let's warm the hearts of those in need
like Santa's little elves.

As friends we'll join together
and bring food in cans galore,
non-perishables are very best
because of how they store.

Monday Night, December 14th
will be the time we meet,
from 6 - 7:30
it's cocoa, donuts & heat.

At the Urban home
is where we're going to be.
Dress up warm, we'll be outside
and bring the family.

But if you cannot make it -
no big deal, you see,
we'll still be glad to take your food
to the Food Bank charity!

Just drop it off on Andrea's porch
or Lottie’s porch will do,
up to a week beyond the date -
Merry Christmas to YOU!!!* *

Heather's Great Idea:

I have done this one a couple of times... I make batches of cookie dough, use a
cookie scoop and flash freeze them. (I have a killer recipe for Mint Chocolate
Brownie Cookies that freezes beautifully!) Then we put 1 dozen in a ziplock bag
and attach this poem I wrote:

Neighbors bring goodies all through the season,
But this year we thought, there ain't any reason...
That when the tree's down and festivities through
You still shouldn't enjoy a cookie or two!
So here is a bag of cookies of dough
To save for next year in January snows!
So bake 'um all up when you're feeling blue
And know that the Dorius' were thinkin' of you!

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